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Aisling McGlacken-Byrne

Aisling McGlacken-Byrne

Lions Eye Institute, Australia


Jiwen Yang got a master's degree of Strabismus and Pediatric ophthalmology in 2005, then obtained PhD of Optometry from China Medical University in 2008. She engages in clinical work and scientific research, especially in diagnosis and treatment of strabismus, amblyopia and refractive error. She has completed tens of thousands strabismus correction surgery, including horizontal, vertical and rotating strabismus correction, and has fitted with Ortho-K lense and RGP for tens of thousands patients with myopia or astigmatism. She is the master tutor of Central South University, had completed mang provincial projects, received two items of Shenyang new technology awards, two projects sponsored by Health Development Planning Commission of Hunan province participated in formulating professional criteria of diagnosis and treatment criteria of strabismus of national third-level hospital, making many times of presentation in domestic and foreign academic conferences doing academic communication to the United States, Japan and so on.


Abstract : See-saw nystagmus caused by an optic nerve glioma: Case report