Vivienne Lewis
University of Canberra, Australia
Title: Working with people with body image issues and eating disorders. A guide to health professionals
Biography: Vivienne Lewis
Body image satisfaction is important, particularly for females, in terms of positive mental health. A healthy body is part of a health body image and perception of self. We know that a poor body image is a key diagnostic criterion for eating disorders and is related to engagement in eating disordered behaviour and poorer mental health. Working with people with body image issues and eating disorders is complex and sensitivity is needed. Eating disorders are severe and complex conditions that often require expertise in order to work effectively with this client group. This presentation is a guide to health profressionals, including dieticians and nutritionists as to how to work with adults presenting with body image issues and eating disorders. The author will draw on her experience as a researcher and clinican having worked with many people of all ages and both genders presenting to her as a clinical psychologist