Rita Mansour
Aspetar, Qatar
Title: Workshop on “Road to Russia 2018- Optimal sports nutrition strategies to cater to elite athlete
Biography: Rita Mansour
The scope of this presentation will be to outline the applied work of a clinical dietitian in contemporary sports nutrition practice. The overview will include examples of applied sports nutrition strategies to cater for the Elite Football Player in preparation for the World Cup 2018: from the clinic, to the training ground and in competition. In the clinic, it will have an individual approach with a personal nutrition plan and body composition screening. On camp, it will be a team approach to look at sports nutrition, hydration plans and to assess and re assess body composition to reach each athletes optimal one. It will be the time for any group education needs in Sports Nutrition. On the field, it will be more practical specially on performance nutrition: where hydration test will be done, sweat tests –to examine their sweat rate as well as the type of sweaters, how the performance aids are affecting the athlete. It will also be the time to assist them with getting their individual recovery needs