Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Jyoti D. Vora
CEO,Dhirang Consultants and Senior Nutritional Consultant, LivRite Foods India
Keynote: Biochemical And Organoleptic Perspectives In Novel Product Development Using Cinnamon
Time : 10:00-10:30

Dr. Jyoti D. Vora, an eminent Biochemist is the Head ofthe Department of Biochemistry and Food Science and Quality Control, Ramnarain Ruia College, India. Dr. JyotiD. Vora has graduated with Honors in Microbiology and Chemistry from University of Mumbai in 1977, followedby Post graduation in Biochemistry by research in 1980.In 1984, she completed her Doctoral degree inBiochemistry from IIT, Mumbai. She has been conferredvarious academic honors including the Fellowship of theSociety of Science, MASFFBC at Harvard Medical School,Boston, USA.She is an avid researcher in the field of Biochemistry, with over 40 publications in variouspeer-reviewed national and international scientific journals. She has also deliveredlectures and oral presentations as an invited speaker at several national and internationalseminars, conferences. She has authored of 3 books in the realm of Biochemical researchpublished by Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Novel Product Development is a pressing need in Clinical and Holistic Management of good health and Wellness. This is a nodal governing factor in the enterprise of manufacture of premium quality foods for the subjects of various nutritional categories and social strata.Novel Product Development (NPD) is governed by Total Quality Management (TQM).This is an emerging concept protecting any and every manufacturing process, right from procurement of the requirements up to the final step of development of the product actual. This can be applied to any desired and relevant field for the optimization of the overall process and attaining the best possible outcomes form the optimized process. Total Quality Management (TQM) forms the basis of HACCP Analysis and this process is employed during the novel product development. The final requirement is to generate a Universally acceptable food product with sustainable health benefits. The idea of development of a novel recipe with the use of Cinnamon was to present this valuable spice in an alluring form, which can be enjoyed by all. Cinnamon as a flavorant and a spice and its preparations have been consumed since ages, in different forms in order to maintain optimum health conditions. Determining various critical control points for the entire recipe development process and suggesting remedial measures was the chief aim. The entire procedure of the novel product development can thus be validated with the help of HACCP, biochemical analysis and organoleptic evaluation.It is a step towards corrective action required for enhanced product quality, enriching the total product likeliness and acceptability. The novel product can be further used as a nutraceutical, promoting optimum health and nutrition.
Keynote Forum
CEO,Dhirang Consultants and Senior Nutritional Consultant, LivRite Foods India
Keynote: Biochemical And Organoleptic Perspectives In Novel Product Development Using Cinnamon
Time : 10:30-11:00

Dr. Jyoti D. Vora, an eminent Biochemist is the Head ofthe Department of Biochemistry and Food Science andQuality Control, Ramnarain Ruia College, India. Dr. JyotiD. Vora has graduated with Honors in Microbiology andChemistry from University of Mumbai in 1977, followedby Post graduation in Biochemistry by research in 1980.In 1984, she completed her Doctoral degree inBiochemistry from IIT, Mumbai. She has been conferredvarious academic honors including the Fellowship of theSociety of Science, MASFFBC at Harvard Medical School,Boston, USA.She is an avid researcher in the field of Biochemistry, with over 40 publications in variouspeer-reviewed national and international scientific journals. She has also deliveredlectures and oral presentations as an invited speaker at several national and internationalseminars, conferences. She has authored of 3 books in the realm of Biochemical researchpublished by Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Novel Product Development is a pressing need in Clinical and Holistic Management of good health and Wellness. This is a nodal governing factor in the enterprise of manufacture of premium quality foods for the subjects of various nutritional categories and social strata.Novel Product Development(NPD) is governed by Total Quality Management(TQM).This is an emerging concept protecting any and every manufacturing process, right from procurement of the requirements up to the final step of development of the product actual. This can be applied to any desired and relevant field for the optimization of the overall process and attaining the best possible outcomes form the optimized process. Total Quality Management (TQM) forms the basis of HACCP Analysis and this process is employed during the novel product development. The final requirement is to generate a Universally acceptable food product with sustainable health benefits. The idea of development of a novel recipe with the use of Cinnamon was to present this valuable spice in an alluring form, which can be enjoyed by all. Cinnamon as a flavorant and a spice and its preparations have been consumed since ages, in different forms in order to maintain optimum health conditions. Determining various critical control points for the entire recipe development process and suggesting remedial measures was the chief aim. The entire procedure of the novel product development can thus be validated with the help of HACCP,biochemical analysis and organoleptic evaluation.It is a step towards corrective action required for enhanced product quality, enriching the total product likeliness and acceptability. The novel product can be further used as a nutraceutical, promoting optimum health and nutrition.
- Sessions:
Location: Webinar
Session Introduction
Samskruthi Madireddy
1353 Tanaka Drive, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Title: Most Effective Combination of Nutraceuticals Among Multivitamins, Zinc, Polyphenols, Omega Fatty Acids, and Probiotics for Improved Memory and Cognitive Performance in Acheta Domesticus
Samskruthi Madireddy is an independent research scholar interested in psychology, neuroscience, nutrition, gut microbiomes, and cognitive science. Her work is centered around the role of nutrition in brain health, particularly in relation to neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease, as well as other neurological disorders.
Dietary intake of multivitamins, zinc, polyphenols, omega fatty acids, and probiotics have all shown benefits in learning, spatial memory, and cognitive function. It is important to determine the most effective combination of antioxidants and/or probiotics, because regular ingestion of all nutraceuticals may not be practical. This study examines various combinations of nutrients to determine which may best enhance spatial memory and cognitive performance. Based on the 31 possible combinations of multivitamins, zinc, polyphenols, omega-3 PUFAs, and probiotics, 128 house crickets (Acheta domesticus [L.]) were divided into one control group and 31 experimental groups with four house crickets in each group. Throughout 8 weeks, crickets were fed their respective nutrients, and an Alternation Test and Recognition Memory Tests were conducted every week using a Y-maze in order to test spatial working memory. The highest scoring diets shared by both tests are the combination of multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids (VitZncPuf; Alternation:slope = 0.07226, Recognition Memory:slope = 0.07001), the combination of probiotics, polyphenols, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFAs ( ProPolVitZncPuf; Alternation:slope = 0.07182, Recognition Memory:slope = 0.07001), the combination of probiotics, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFA (ProVitZncPuf; Alternation:slope = 0.06999, Recognition Memory:slope = 0.07001), and the combination of polyphenols, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFA (PolVitZncPuf; Alternation:slope = 0.06873, Recognition Memory:slope = 0.06956). All of the nutrient combinations demonstrated a benefit over the control diet, but the most significant improvement compared to the control was found in the VitZncPuf, ProVitZncPuf, PolVitZncPuf, and ProPolVitZncPuf. Since this study found no significant difference between the performance and improvement of subjects within these four groups, the combination of multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids (VitZncPuf) was concluded to be the most effective option for improving memory and cognitive performance. This outcome could be applied to humans as well, especially in childhood education, since quality of nutrition can have a significant effect on memory and learning. Especially with our current disparity, which leads to food deserts and differing access to quality food, this may reveal changes to be made in mass nutrition to support cognitive performance and learning.
Bushra Shaida has completed her PhD at the age of 35 years from Amity University, Noida.Working as Assistant Professor in Sharda University form last 5 years. Published more than 4 research papers in reputed journals Presenting author details.
The present study was conducted to develop a new product i.e weaning food using multipurpose flour, papaya powder and milk powder, there is an urgent need of such types of weaning food which were formulated from locally available cereals and legumes, having low cost with desirable nutritional and sensory qualities. Three variations were developed using wheat flour(WFwr), soya flour (WFsr), gram flour (WFgr), these were prepared from the blend of above in gradients suspended in water forming slurry, dehydration of the product was done in drier and pulverized to fine powder. The physiochemical, microbiological properties were studied using different packaging materials during ambient storage. The study showed that in combination film (CF), packaging there was less variation, regression analysis for moisture content (R2 = 0.9556), browning index (R2=0.9926), vitamin C(R2=0.9869), acidity (R2=0.945), showed positive regression. Microbiological studies were performed TPC(log TPC/gm), it was found that after 75 days some growth was seen. Sensory quality of weaning food showed that (WFgr) got (P<0.05 r scores in respect to color and flavor during ambient storage, indicating synergetic effect of gram flour. Thus these weaning foods could be of great help in improving the nutritional status of children by providing nutritional supplement.
Chinonso Agochukwu
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Title: Diet Mordification A Major Citeria To Healthy Living And Longevity; The Role Of Diet To Achieving Standard Healthcare Outcomes And Life Span Sustainability
Chinonso Agochukwu food high in cholesterol. Nutrition therapy/ modification is an important aspect of healthcare that can’t be over emphasized as it goes beyond tastebuds and satisfaction. Nutrition contributes to +- 50% of our health status as we can’t appropriately give credit to healthcare/ healthy outcomes outside nutrition modification and proportion.
Since 2014 till date there has been an increase record of avoidable deaths from heart diseases and obesity. Although more attention has been given to smoking and its health outcome on the lungs. In a research by the World Health Organization in the Global health risk journal; the leading global risks for mortality in the world are high blood pressure (responsible for 13% of deaths globally), tobacco use (9%), high blood glucose (6%), physical inactivity (6%), and overweight and obesity (5%). These risks are responsible for raising the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers. They affect countries across all income groups: high, middle and low. Although theses diseases are sometimes hereditary or may occur without a cause they can be modified and controlled to it's barest minimum via diet modification. A heart disease like atherosclerosis; the buildup of fat and cholesterol in the artery can be caused by excessive, uncontrol intake of fatty foods/ food high in cholesterol. Nutrition therapy/ modification is an important aspect of healthcare that can’t be over emphasized as it goes beyond tastebuds and satisfaction. Nutrition contributes to +- 50% of our health status as we can’t appropriately give credit to healthcare/ healthy outcomes outside nutrition modification and proportion.